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Afternoon Tea and Roundtable for Residential Conveyancers

Landmark Information will be attending Bristol Law Society’s Afternoon Tea for Residential Conveyancers on 17th May 2023 at Bristol Training Institute.

The event will run between 3pm to 5pm and will feature an informal discussion about the future of conveyancing, including:

  • Risk: How conveyancing practices can manage risks and reduce PII premiums, including data on recent claims, cyber security and wellbeing.
  • Climate change: How this will affect your firm, including The Law Society latest guidance on Climate Change risk.
  • Technology: Payment technology and E-Signatures.
  • People: Recruitment and retentions, innovation and digitalisation, wellbeing.

Our Customer Success Consultant Allie Parsons and looks forward to seeing you there.

More details on the event and ticket information is available on Bristol Law Society website.

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